Lest you think I am a humorless feminist, may I present vagina humor!

The vagina.  It strikes such fear in hearts that some cannot bear to utter the word (but I can–I’ve already said it three times in this post if you include the title).

In Idaho, science teacher Tim McDaniel learned that the word is too much to handle for students in a 10th grade biology class. Because it’s not like anyone in the class actually has one.  No, all females in Idaho are Barbie smooth:

Barbie is Vagina-less

Bedsider  offers a list in case you are looking for a new term to soothe the fevered brow of someone exposed to the horror of anatomical vocabulary.  Some new ones for me were Velvet Curtain and Happy Flappy.

The inimitable Sarah Haskins demonstrated the power of euphemism in this Target Women video:

But, as the Midwest Teen Sex Show knows, the vagina is a beautiful thing.  And you can say vagina a lot if you want to, just like they do:

Still, the vagina can make even owners of the organ uncomfortable, especially in certain contexts.  Like having a spontaneous sex talk with your mom, as this poor young woman endures (sorry, you have to go through the link–I’ll update if I get get it in an embeddable form):

The Talk

And once you develop comfort with the glorious vagina, there is no end to your creative potential.  For instance, you could become the next Georgia O’Keefe


Or Casey Jenkins, vaginal knitter:

vaginal knitting

Although it would be hard to be the next Casey Jenkins if you don’t have a vagina of your own.

Whatever your do, respect the Happy Flappy.